Thank you for listening to my whining yesterday. I apologize. I feel better this morning - Despite being up since 4am cleaning puke out of Keegan's bed and hair and then sleeping with him on the couch.
I am still overwhelmed but feel a new sense of resolved that we can accomplish this. God has not let us down yet even in the times that we felt this process was hopeless. It is a very long and hilly roller coaster ride:
First Hill: The decision to adopt. I have mentioned before that this was not an immediate decision for us but something that we talked and prayed about for a couple of weeks.
Second Hill: The financial aspect. International adoption is very costly and not something we had planned for in the past the year. We thought we had climbed to the top of this one and had just about enough to cover our cost until a couple of weeks ago when we decided to take the kids. Now the cost of airfare and extra lodging plus extra we needed for the adoption cost has me concerned but I continue to ask God for guidance. So many that have been reading the blog have mentioned to me that they enjoyed the "It's a family process" blog. Jim and I really do feel that, with our agency's encouragement, taking the kids is the right thing for our family. Worth the extra cost, worth the hassles of travelling with 6 (we do this anytime go on vacation anyway - always need a bigger vehicle, never fit in a hotel, etc) And worth the extra stress it is causing me at the moment.
Third Hill and the one I am really struggling with: Paperwork and my mistake on the USCIS form. Our goal is to have everything else done by the end of the week and ready to be notarized - if you saw the list you would realize it is a huge goal to accomplish! Today I am feeling like it can be done! Other than that, we just need to hope and pray that the new form, sent yesterday by overnight mail, finds its way to the right office this time. This could be a huge hold up for us and not good if we want to make it there by mid June.
Time to go get re -energized by 24 three year olds today! Have a great day everyone and thanks for the encouragement. I am feeling a peace that God has been with this process all along and is going to continue to see us through.
It looks like the fundraiser is starting to come together. Check back for more details!
We are thinking and praying for you all.