The day started out sorting through 3 weeks worth of stuff and packing for the long trip home. When we were ready to leave to go see Ana, we called Kostyia to get a taxi. The taxi arrived and we all piled in, just like we have done for the past 3 weeks. I could tell the driver was not happy and he kept holding up 5 fingers. We figured he was upset that we had 6 people. Jim called Kostyia again to talk to the driver. After a heated conversation - at least from the body language of the driver, the phone was handed back to Jim and Kostyia told us to get out of the car he would call for another. We got kicked out of the taxi!
During our visit today, a group of boys Keegan and Kelton's age were having a phys ed class. They were playing soccer and Ana asked the teacher if the boys could play. They had a great time playing with the other kids and, typical for here, the kids loved playing with American boys! I found some English learning apps for my iphone (which is staying here with Jim) and showed them to Ana today. She loved the games and saying all of the English words. Hoping that English comes pretty quickly for her!
We decided to walk home from the Center so we could get tacos one last time. Everyone stopped at the taco stand and Kelton and I walked to Mc Donalds for his dinner. The lady at McD's must have remembered me or else I just looked American - she said "hi". When we met up again I found out that it was a good thing we got tacos today and didn't wait until tomorrow. Our English speaking Ukrainian Taco guy was working his last day today. He is going to another stand in the city. Jim had a good conversation with him today. It was very interesting to me that he told Jim he speaks very little Russian - enough to run the stand. He has lived here for 10 years and at home his family speaks English and Arabic. We were so lucky to find him while we are here because it made it an easy place to order food. He always had a smile on his face when we walked up to the counter!
After stopping at a playground to eat our dinner we continued our walk home. When we realized that it was already after 6 and we would be pushing it to make it home before dark, we decided to try a bus again. We remember the numbers that went past our apartment so we waited for one. The busses were so crowded tonight. There was no room to move at all let alone breathe. It is not often that I feel like I might pass out but I was not sure I was going to make it through the ride. It was a very hot day here today - one of the hottest we have had and with all those people crammed on the bus it was stifling. I was very happy to get off and get some fresh air!
Back at the apartment, all four kids played outside for a while. Jim and I skyped with my parents who took care of fed -xing some paperwork to us today and then we tried to finish up everything here that needed done.
Tomorrow we will visit Ana for a little while and then the kids and I will get picked up to take the 2 hour, indy 500, van ride to the train station. We will ride the train overnight and catch our flight out of Kiev on Sat.
The kids have had enough of being here and all this togetherness. They are ready to get back to America and our family and friends. I think Jim and I have had enough too. However, it is going to be really hard to leave Jim behind tomorrow afternoon. In our almost 18 years of marriage we have been apart for a week or more only 4 times! I worry about him here waiting out the rest of the 10 days for Ana. I will feel better after next Friday when I know that he has Ana with him and they are on their way to Kiev.
We have decided to get the quick passport for Ana so that Jim's time is lessened here. So it looks like they will get to fly home on the 28th! A week earlier than expected!
Not sure how much internet service the kids and I will have between here and home Saturday night. Jim will be taking over the blogging and pics on facebook now. I will be just like the rest of you, at home waiting for him to post something!
So thankful all has gone well. Can't wait to see you and catch up. Praying for peaceful travel :).