Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Great Day!

First, I am sure you are all wondering about our SDA appt. It was quick and painless. Jim and I both felt relieved when we saw Ana's picture on the file the lady brought out. We pick up the paperwork today and travel by train to the orphanage tonight. It will be a long 16 hour ride but worth it when we get there!

We have been touring the city with our facilitator - who is wonderful! And for those who have been wondering if I am eating anything - so far the food has been great with, unfortunately, great desserts, too and a facilitator who loves dessert! So much for me thinking that Ukraine would be my magical three week dieting plan!

We have met some interesting people on this journey so far. First, the man from Germany who started a conversation with us on the bus to the airport terminal. His family attempted to adopt from Ukraine years ago. Unfortunately, it was not successful but he was very interested in our story.

The Kanas couple that we met briefly at the SDA yesterday and then saw and walked with a little bit down town last night. A very nice couple with two kids at home and adopting a teen from a hosting program. We exchanged info and blog addresses.

Our facilitator. We are so lucky to have someone helping us that is so competent in the process. It is also helpful that he speaks English very well and it there are no communication issues. I love hearing about his family (3 boys, 2 of them are almost 1 year old twins, and his wife).

The man at the playground. He heard me speaking English to the boys and started a conversation. He is from Atlanta but is living here with his wife (extremely young) and their 9 month old baby. He was very helpful in providing me some tips about some snack choices and other places to see and eat in Kiev.

I have tried to post pics twice but I am having trouble. I will not get to work on it again until we arrive in Mariupol - no connection on the train. Sorry :( I will put a few up on facebook until then!

Thanks for your prayers and support. It means so much to us to know that we have so many people at home praying and thinking about us. For has bumpy as the journey has been to get to this point, so far, the process here has been very smooth. Of course, we are just at the beginning...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Must Read Blog!

Not even sure where to start.  Currently, I am sitting in our Kiev apartment with four kids sleeping amazed that we made it here.  I will try to do this story justice but not sure I can!

Friday:  By noon on Friday Jim was calling Delta to be sure that our flight from JFK was still on for Saturday  eve.  He was assured everything was still as planned.  We spent the eve getting everything finalized and ready to go.  Soon, we started getting messages about JFK closing down.  My mom called, Jim's mom called we kept saying our flight was still on.  The last call from my mom started the panic attack.  JFK was closing at noon  NO FLIGHTS!  We starting trying to call Delta right away and skyping with our adoption director. 
About four hours later, we finally were talking to a representive with hope of flying out of Pittsburgh, when she disconnected us.  At 3:30 am I call and get back into the que to wait for a real person again.  At the same time looking for any available flights on the computer.  It was decided between our facilitator and director that if we could not get there by our appt date on Monday there was no use trying to come later in the week.  We would have to ask for a new date which could be within days but could take a couple of months again.  We were determined to get there but between exhaustion and the stress of it all, we were starting to lose hope.  There was alot of praying and crying involved during this all nighter!

When we finally got the chance to talk to someone at Delta again, it was around 4:30 am.  None of the flights we suggested worked, they were either booked or had connecting flights with other airlines.  Delta would not let us change airlines for a weather cancellation.  The rep suggested that Boston would be our only choice.  I was crying by then and asking him why he would even think of sending us up the east coast.  Jim was on the other line with very little patience.  While we tried to convince him that there must be something else, the seats dissappered.  Doomed.  Finally he found a late night flight out of Boston.  We decided there was no other choice.  Jim called a couple rental places as we tried to figure out how to get to Boston.  No luck with a rental that would only be one way and big enough for us.  Went to bed, after 5 am.  deciding that we were probably going to have a drive in front of us and that we needed a little sleep before we figured it out.  Up before 7 and back on the phone.  Talked to Delta a few more times and had different reps tell us different things, feeling more frustrated.  Finally a van was found from the State  College airport.  We had the kids up and all of us showered and out the door in less than an hour.  Jim's mom went with us so she could drive the suburban home.

We left State College, tired, stressed and sure we would be turning around half way because of a cancelled flight.  It was 11 am.  None of us had even ate breakfast but the kids were so good about it all.  They knew this was so important.  By 1:30 no one could take it anymore and we had to stop at a McDs to eat.  Then back on the road.  I spent most of the time checking the flight status and talking with Delta.  Oh, and getting expert advice from Jen about airport stuff!  We arrived at the rental place around 7 and were through security and in our terminal by 8.  Unbelievable!  I think we were all just amazed that it actually happened.  I know that so many people were praying for us by all of the encouraging texts, calls and fb messages.  It worked!

Our flights were uneventful but without much sleep.  There were so many babies on the flight to Paris that sleep was next to impossible for everyone.  It was so much fun to watch Keegan and Kelton on their first place ride.  I loved listening to their conversations!  The many meals on the plane made up for the little food we ate on the way to Boston.  They fed us dinner at midnight and breakfast by 5 am!  The Paris flight was a much quieter and we all took a small nap and ate yet another meal ( although even Kyle didn't eat much of it so you can imagine how much Kelton MB and I ate!).

Another roadblock during the trip was that our facilitator had to cancel his train tickets to met us in Kiev when he thought we were not going to make it and then he couldn't rebook.  So he did arrange for a driver (two drivers!)  to pick us up at the airport.  They spoke little English.  It was kind of unnerving when they pointed to JIm to get in one car with 2 kids and me in the other.  Keegan and Kelton rode with me with no seatbelts (those that know me know how well this went over).  Kelton was asleep by the first 5 minutes!  We stopped and exchanged money, talke with our facilitator a few times and came to the apartment.  Once again, those that know me well will be wondering what I think of the apartment.  It is really nice.,  I was prepared for the way it looked on the outside - dumpy, old.  But the inside is perfect - even the bathroom - the first thing MB and I checked out!

We spent the eve walking down to the town square.  We ate( at McDs again - tomorrow's goal with  our facilitator is to get groceries!) and walked around the square.  It was very nice, lots of fountains and things going on.  Then back to the apartment for showers and bed

Our SDA appt is tomorrow at noon.  Please pray that this goes smoothly.  It is where we will get Ana's referral and approval to go to the orphange. 

Pics to come soon!  Our friend John sent us an email when we were on the way to Boston yesterday that was so inspiring.   One part said - more things have gone right with this than wrong.  It seems like we were always running into roadblocks along the way - with yesterday by far being the biggest - but it has worked out everytime and sometimes even better than they way it should have been!  We are blessed!  And we can't what to see Ana!  Too tired tonight to add pics but will do so soon!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Almost time!

I can not believe that next week at this time we will actually be in the same country as Ana!  We have worked so hard to get to this point.

This week will be filled with packing and repacking, making list and making more list and trying to get everything ready for school.  Not sure there is going to be enough time in the week to get everything done but I know that I will breathe a sigh of relief (those of you that know how I am not looking forward at all to flying will smile at that part I am sure)  when I sit down on the plane.  At that point, whatever we packed or didn't, what I did or didn't get done at home, and whatever my sub has to figure out for herself will just be what it is.  

I continue to feel so blessed by all of the people willing to step in and help us with last minute things or while we are gone and even the offers for when we return. 

Please watch the blog often for updates while we are away.  Mary Beth has asked if she can write some of the blogs while we are there so be on the look out for Mary Beth's thoughts on the trip!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


OK, here goes.

Before I write about the stress of the past 5 days, I would like to make it very clear that we are still very excited about adopting and bringing Ana home. However, I think sometimes we all sugarcoat the details or just don't tell the bad parts. So, along with all the good that has and will yet come out of this journey we are taking - the adoption process causes a lot of stress: emotional, family and marital, financial.

We realized around Thursday last week that between Kyle's two surgeries and the expenses involved there(thank you PSU for changing our insurance this year!) plus other expenses (a laptop to stay connected to home since we both use ones from work, luggage that was easier to get around Ukraine than we what had, tickets that were more than we budgeted for (by over $1000)) we were about 7-8 thousand dollars short of our goal. This was an enormous concern and made for a very bad weekend in the Raabe house.

I think that for 4 days straight, Jim and I had more intense arguments than we have ever had. What do we do? What can we sell? Then of course the fights about what we would sell - the old suburban? Jim's tools?Add that to the fact that for quite a few years we have lived debt free - until we bought the suburban last year. We worked hard to get there and have enjoyed the less stressful life that brings. Every time we add on more debt, I think the stress level has been rising.

In the end, we added more debt, found more receipts for our flex benefits, had more money in an account than we realized and were handed a check today by Jim's coworker. We would still like to have a little more of a cushion than we have to go to a foreign country but in the end, I am happy to say that it looks like we will just make it. God is Good! Sometimes it is just hard to see it at the time.

Beyond the financial stress, there is the emotional and family stress. The process is time consuming, demanding and draining. There were times that I wondered how in the world we were supposed to have jobs and kids and be able to complete everything. Even through last week when I was spending hours looking for plane tickets or when Jim spent hours trying to convince CheapTickets that the mistakes on the tickets were made by them and they needed changed for free. I often felt stress about the time it was taking away from the kids and away from our jobs just being so consumed in getting to the end. Obviously, our kids have survived and so have our jobs but there were times when I just didn't think we would make it through.

It seems like I am the only one in the family experiencing "the being away, in another country for 3 weeks stress." And then coming home without Jim and dealing with the back to school/work, getting caught up, fall activities chaos for the weeks that he is still in Ukraine. The kids and I get back on a Sat. night. That Sunday, jet lag and all, we will have soccer, major grocery shopping, school preparing with back to the routine on Monday - should be interesting! I am stressed and feeling so much anxiety about every part of the trip (except for the excitement of finally seeing Ana!). And about every part of getting ready for the trip - school work, packing (can't even think of it right now!), cleaning the house for someone to stay and take care of the dogs, school shopping, the list goes on and on...

We also found out that Jim's mom's back surgery has finally been scheduled for August 30th. We will not be here for it or for most of her recovery.

Whew! There it is. I know that in a few months, once we are all home as a family, we will look back and not much of this will matter. But right now it is real and stressful and hard. But the end result will be worth all of it and more!

Please Pray!